Check this homepage for updates and the Upcoming Events page for all events. We will add more events during 2025!
(More information coming soon!)
Mindfulness, Compassion, and Depth Psychology: An Intensive Retreat for Mental Health Professionals
July 22-29, 2025
Navigating Our Blind Spots: Exploring Spiritual Bypass
August 7-10, 2025
Embodying the Heart of Compassion: An Intensive Mindfulness Retreat
September 1-10, 2025
Copper Beech Sangha Retreat
September 30 - October 5, 2025
Embodying Mindfulness
December 2-7, 2025
Bill and Susan Morgan’s journey to where they are today began well before their 4-year silent retreat at the Forest Refuge in Barre Massachusetts*. In 2009, they felt it was time in their lives to seek a longer-term practice. They decided to see what it was like to be completely free from day-to-day worries and responsibilities in order to gather experience, train in spiritual practices, and deepen their own capacity for compassion and wisdom.
At the end of four years, knowing they wanted to continue on the path they had begun on retreat, they carried home their experiences and knowledge and have dedicated their everyday-lives to nurturing, teaching, developing, and supporting a community of practitioners devoted to enriching their spiritual practice.
Their life is built around daily practice, teaching, writing, offering retreats, and building their own refuge in the city where practitioners can come and deepen their own spiritual lives and practices.
They open their home to those who genuinely want to follow a similar path.
*The Forest Refuge is affiliated with the Insight Meditation Society

Messages from Bill and Susan
May what we offer be of benefit to as many as possible.
The practice of giving is universally recognized as one of the most basic human virtues. In the teaching of the Buddha, the practice of giving claims a place of special eminence, one which singles it out as being in a sense the foundation and seed of spiritual development.
~Bhikkhu Bodhi
PAYPAL: Donate button below

VENMO: @william-morgan-389

The Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy
Certificate Program
Bill & Susan are meditation teachers within this Certificate Program sponsored by the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy (IMP). This nine-month program will comprehensively explore the integration of mindfulness and psychotherapy. The clinical and academic material will be studied in a manner that embodies the qualities of mindfulness, suffusing the inquiry with awareness, insight and compassion for self and others, and engaging both mind and heart.